Monday, April 9, 2007

A Social and Theological Cartography

This site is a chronicle of my ongoing attempt to engage and interpret the world around me. My interpretation is particular to my beliefs and environment. However, I hope to continually be informed by new texts.

The image above is a map from the 16th century in which more of the world was known to Europe than ever before. However, the map strikes us as distorted and almost mythical with China reaching down to the tip of India and the Americas fading off into the unknown realm beyond the border of the map. To give any account of reality demands that we make such maps despite the boundaries we must place on them and the distortions contained within.

I do not hold an evolutionary model of truth, but I do hold a reflexive model in which our time, context, and relationships impact our understanding.

This website records some of my own explorations and preliminary mappings.